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Final Report > Information about reference material, sources of evidence and footnotes

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Information about reference material, sources of evidence and footnotes

(a) Reference material

Explanation of acronyms: A list of acronyms commonly referred to in the text can be found at the end of the Report in Appendix 1.

People: A list of the full names and titles of those individuals referred to in the text can be found at the end of the Report in Appendix 2.

Further reading: A bibliography of published works which have informed the Panel's work can be found in Annex B.

(b) The Annexes to the Report

There are four Annexes to the Report. They comprise the equivalent of 12,000 pages of text and are available in CD format, attached to the back of the Report.

The Annexes are:

Annex A

A factual account of the evidence heard and received during Phase One (oral hearings) of the Inquiry.

Annex B

A variety of papers including the following:-
The procedures of the Inquiry
Papers by Experts to the Inquiry
The Clinical Case Note Review
Papers on statistics.

Annex C

The Inquiry's Interim Report: Removal and retention of human material.

Annex D

The transcript of the oral hearings: a verbatim account of 96 days of evidence.

A more detailed list of contents of the four Annexes is in Appendix 3.

(c) Footnotes

The footnotes in the Report refer to sources of evidence, or provide an explanation, for a particular point. The types of footnote, and the routes for further exploration, are as follows:-


the prefix WIT denotes a witness statement. WIT 0578 0003 Mr White is a reference to page 3 of Mr White's statement. All statements can be found on the Inquiry's website


the prefix T refers to the transcript. T24 p.16 refers to day 24, page 16. The full transcript is in Annex D. It is also available on the Inquiry website.

Other acronyms:

A variety of other acronyms occur in the footnotes, particularly in Section One. An example would be UBHT 0065 0027. This refers to a paper given to the Inquiry by the United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust (UBHT); the number is a unique page reference number assigned by the Inquiry.

Common acronyms are:-
UBHT - United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust
DoH - Department of Health
RCSE - Royal College of Surgeons of England

The vast majority of the documents referred to in Section One are available in Annexes A and B on the accompanying CD.

(d) The Inquiry's website

The Inquiry's website will remain available for the forseeable future. The website includes the full text of the Summary, Final Report, Annexes A-D and all background papers for Phase Two. The website is the only route of access to the statements received from 577 witnesses and to all the formal written comments made about those statements.


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