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Annex A > Chapter 4 - National Accountabilities and Roles

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Chapter 4 - National Accountabilities and Roles

The National Framework: responsibilities for healthcare

Lines of reporting

The CMO and the NHS Executive

The role of the CMO (Wales)

The role of the Welsh Medical Committee

Links between the Welsh Office and the DoH

The influence of DoH policy on the Welsh Office

Perceptions of responsibility

The Performance Management Directorate

The Clinical Outcomes Group

Changes since the period of the Inquiry's Terms of Reference

National regulatory and professional bodies

Professional regulation - medicine: the GMC

The approach of the GMC


Burden of proof

Misconduct rather than poor performance

Reactive rather than proactive

Specific positive standards of professional conduct

Implicit to explicit standards

Content of standards regulated by the GMC

Response to criticism: constraints imposed by statute

Professional regulation - nursing: the UKCC

The statutory basis

Relative roles and responsibilities of the UKCC and the Royal College of Nursing

Fitness to practise: nurses

Limits of disciplinary powers

Alternative sanctions and interventions

Issues common to regulation of doctors and nurses (and others)

Disparagement and the duty to inform others if a colleague's conduct is in question

Clinicians' traditional attitudes

Movement in attitudes and published guidance

The Dunn case and `Good Medical Practice'

Disparagement and the duty to inform others if a colleague's conduct is in question - (nurses)

Changes since 1995

Duty to inform - whistleblowing: healthcare staff in general

Recent developments

Healthcare professionals in management

Team-based standards

Nursing - National Boards for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting: statutory basis and functions

Royal Colleges

Educational and training standards

Educational and training standards - with particular reference to surgery

Educational training standards - proposals for change

The Colleges' role and responsibility for setting and monitoring standards of care

Relationship between the Royal Colleges and the GMC

Proposed reforms of the Colleges

Specialist associations

Trade unions of healthcare professionals

British Medical Association (BMA)

BMA - role

BMA - responsibilities

Employment contracts

Medical contracts - terms

Junior hospital doctors


Professions Allied to Medicine

Chief executives, hospital managers and administrators

General practitioners

Terms of employment

Summary of respective roles of bodies concerned with standards and their implementation

Continuing professional development (CPD)

CPD as a professional obligation


Royal Colleges


Mechanics of revalidation

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