- Seminar details
- Consultation paper
- Questions
and Answers
the Inquiry
Inquiry seminars
- Mrs Judith Hunter, Lead Nurse, Children's Services. The Newcastle
upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Victoria Infirmary - PHA2
0001 (0001, 0002)
- Professor David Baum, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
- PHA2 0001 (0003, 0004)
- Mr Steve Gould, Consultant Paediatric Pathologist
- PHA2 0001 (0005, 0006)
- Royal College of Physicians - PHA2 0001 (0007, 0008)
- General Medical Council - PHA2 0001 (0009)
- Mr AP Smith (CBE), Chief Executive, English National Board for Nursing,
Midwifery and Health Visiting - PHA2 0001 (0010, 0011,
- S Gairdner - PHA2 0001 (0013,
- Mr D Arthur, President, Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of UK and
Ireland - PHA2 0001 (0015)
- Professor C Ham, Health Services Management Centre, University of
Birmingham - PHA2 0001 (0016)
- Dr Ian Baker, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Avon Health
Authority - PHA2 0001 (0017, 0018, 0019)
- Professor L Doyal, University of London - PHA2 0001 (0020)
- Annette Dearmun, Oxford Brooke University, Oxford Radcliffe Hospital
- PHA2 0001 (0021)
- Mr M Sinclair, Provincial Court of Manitoba - PHA2 0001 (0022)
- Bristol Heart Children's Action Group - PHA2 0001 (0023,
0024, 0025)
- Royal College of Nursing - PHA2 0001 (0026, 0027,
- Dr Eugene Blackstone - PHA2 0001 (0029, 0030)
- Mr Jonathan Boyce, Director of Health Studies, Audit Commission
- PHA2 0001 (0031)
- The Royal College of Pathologists - PHA2 0001 (0032, 0033)
- British Association of Paediatric Surgeons - PHA2 0001
(0034, 0035,
0036, 0037,
- Royal College of General Practitioners - PHA2 0001 (0039, 0040,
0041, 0042)
- Constructive Dialogue for Clinical Accountability - PHA2 0001 (0043. 0044,
0045, 0046,
- B Sethia, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, The Birmingham Children's Hospital
- PHA2 0001 (0048)
- Mr S Fielding, Highland Hospital, University of Rochester - PHA2
0001 (0049)
- Mandie Lavin, Director of Professional Conduct, United
Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting - PHA2 0001 (0050, 0051,
0052, 0053,
- Mr Stephen Evans, General Secretary & Chief Executive, The Society
and College of Radiographers - PHA2 0001 (0055)
- Una M MacFadyen, Consultant Paediatrician, Stirling Royal Infirmary
- PHA2 0001 (0056, 0057, 0058)
- Mr N Bishop, United Bristol Healthcare, NHS Trust - PHA2 0001 (0059)
- Mr MJ Lowe, Deputy Secretary, British Medical Association - PHA2
0001 (0060, 0061)
- Professor Leo Stunin, President, The Royal College of Anaesthetists
- PHA2 0001 (0062)
- Dr Giles Morgan, President, Intensive Care Society - PHA2 0001 (0063)
- Rachel Ferris, General Manager, The United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust
- PHA2 0001 (0064, 0065, 0066,
- Mr JRL Hamilton FRCS Eng, FRCS Ed (C/Th), Consultant Cardiothoracic
Surgeon, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital NHS Trust, The Freeman Hospital - PHA2
0001 (0068, 0069, 0070,
0071, 0072,
0073, 0074)
- Dr Howard Swanton, President, British Cardiac Society - PHA2
0001 (0075, 0076, 0077,
0078, 0079)
- Dr EN Coleman, Fellow and Medical Advisor to the Education Standing
Committee, The Society for Cardiological Science and Technology - PHA2 0001 (0080, 0081,
0082, 0083,
0084, 0085,
- Mr B Jackson MS PRCS, The Royal College of Surgeons of England -
PHA2 0001 (0087)
- Ian Syme, Carl Henshall, Deborah Henshall, Co-ordinators, North Staffs.
Health Watch - PHA2 0001 (0088, 0089, 0090,
0091, 0092,
0093, 0094,
0095, 0096,
- Dr J Poloniecki Msc DPhil CStat, Lecturer in Statistics, St. George's
Hospital Medical School, University of London - PHA2 0001 (0098, 0099,
0100, 0101,
0102, 0112)
- Mrs GM Bean & Mrs M MacRae, Sufferers of Iatrogenic Neglect.
- PHA2 0001 (0103, 0104,
0105, 0106,
0107, 0108,
0109, 0113,
0114, 0115,
- Rabbi Julia Neuberger, Chief Executive, King's Fund
- PHA2 0001 (0110, 0111)